
Enterprise DevOps Report 2020–2021

Published: 9/4/2020

Discover how to scale DevOps practices throughout your organization to improve business metrics, customer satisfaction, and Developer Velocity—creating the right environment for developers to innovate. Download Enterprise DevOps Report 2020–2021, a Microsoft and Sogeti research study of more than 250 cloud and DevOps implementations. Use the report’s recommendations as a blueprint for your successful adoption of enterprise DevOps.

Read the report to learn about:

  • Six key areas of enterprise IT, including governance, that face significant challenges as part of enterprise DevOps transformation.
  • Common ideologies and patterns followed by top performing adopters to address the challenges of enterprise DevOps.
  • Strategies implemented by successful enterprises to build continuous governance, security, quality, and compliance into their engineering processes.
  • DevOps best practices to enable your organization to support distributed teams and remote work.
Enterprise Devops 2020 Report

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